Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm so happy, I'm shaking. A book I've been looking for for almost 6 years, and I finally found it!!!! It's called Journey to the Bright Kingdom by Elizabeth Winthrop. I tell you, tonight I was like, "I'll look again, because the internet is amazing and I'll find it!" AND I DID!! I had to search and search and look and look, but I found it!! And now I've put it on hold at the library. And I'm going to get it. It will be in my hand. After six long years I will read that book. God is wonderful.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I read a book over the last three days called holes. It was good, but some things didn't get explained in the end. I had seen the movie with my friend Hannah when it first came out in theaters a few years ago, and the book was a lot different, though the layout was practically the same.
I read the whole Harry Potter series again, too, but backwards. It was fun because you take in a lot more of the details you missed before. Aidan is also reading the Harry Potter series, but he's doing it the correct way and reading it from 1-7. Also, it's his first time.
Gotta go, more later.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


I saw Ratatouille today. I enjoyed it immensely. I got all the cooking jokes, being a cooking fanatic. I recoginized ingredients they used, which made me feel 'acomplished.' and I very well should feel that way.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Ah, how long it has been!

Dance class report:
It's been an interesting week. Tuesday I was not to go to dance class, because the schedule was changing for summer. Instead it was to be on a Thursday. So both Hannah and I did not go, since we had both heard the same thing. We were, of course, surprised when we got a call telling us it had taken place on Tuesday. When everything was cleared up, it came out that kids had shown up on Tuesday because that's what it said in the program to do. Mrs. Reback, my teacher, of course had to teach them. It wasn't like she was not gonna have a class just because two students are absent. So the class went on.
When we found this out, though, and told Mrs. Reback, she told us to just come in Thursday at the time we had heard, which was in the one o'clock hour. So we did, and we got a private lesson. It was cool.

30th report:
Read this letter I sent to the town board. It'll all make since:
Dear Lucas,

Thank you for you email.

The decision to host the parade on a Saturday was done last year as well. Letters have been sent out and bands booked to march in the 2007 parade,. This is a highly competitive time to secure bands as so many parades are scheduled for town Independence Day parades throughout the County. However, we will certainly take your thoughts under consideration as we plan for 2008.

Have a good day.

Why was I called Lucas? Because I signed my name Lucia, and they did not read it properly. Duh.
So, now we are celebrating Independence Day on the 30th. Tomorrow we'll have friends over, go to the parade, and watch fireworks. I plan on having tons of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See y'all later,

Monday, May 14, 2007

Flowers up the wa-zoo

We went to the lilac festival today, and it was amazing! I had an awesome time. More stuff about it at Lily's Dreamland.
Here's a picture I took myself, of the view. I thought it was pretty, and I'm pretty sure there are Lilacs in the foreground. They're silhouettes, though, so I can't tell. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cookbooks galore

Two or three days ago the phone rang. That's no difference in anything. But it was the call that mattered.
Mom answered it. When she got off it, though, she said, "Lucie, you have one hold in at the library!"
At first I was confused. But then I realized what that had meant, and I squealed for joy. It meant that the library had just called, and How To Boil Water: Life Beyond Takeout, after ten weeks of waiting, had finnaly come in.
We didn't just get up to go and get it, though. We were doing things and busy. When my Dad came home from work, I told him it was finnaly in, because I knew that he would be excited too, after listening to me complain for ten weeks.
He then said, "What? It's in and you haven't got it yet? We're going right now."
So we went. I got How To Boil Water, '1001 things everyone should know about the Universe', 'The world book of Math: volume 2' and 'The bookclub cookbook'.
The next day we went to the other library near us and I got out a TON of kitchen design books and cookbooks. The reason we went there is because I had to get a novel by Louisa May Alcott, and it was not at the other library. I gotta go,

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's today, folks

Hello there,
Today is Dance Class! I'm so happy! Like I told you before, we're doing a dance to the song, 'King of New York', from 'Newsies'. Yesterday I watched Newsies, to get into the right 'mood' for dancing to King Of New York. I'm pretty excited to tell Hannah, who loaned it to me, that I actually got a chance to watch it. Living in a house with 8 other people gets pretty hectic, and ya can't always just watch what you want when you want to. Look, I just did this great post on my other blog, so I'm pretty posted out. Just go there and check it out.
Please just hit the word 'it' in check it out, the last sentence, to go!

Monday, April 16, 2007

one short day

Tomorrow is Dance class!! Finnally. Last week it was canceled for spring break, technically. Well at first, it was gonna happen. Then my teacher canceled, probably because she was going on vacation over the weekend and needed to pack. So now I'm super excited to go to dance class this week.
I'm real into this book, 'An Old-Fashioned Girl' by Louisa May Alcott. I'm wondering whether to read it a lot today, though, because I'm near the end and want it to last longer. Last night, before I went to sleep I was reading it, then when I was asleep I was dreaming about it, and then when I woke up today I wanted to read it SO BAD. But I have this rule with myself, never read in bed, because then you just end up in bed all morning and that's no fun, though some people might think so. It's so hard, because I like getting to the end of a book, but at the same time it's so sad to end it. I mean, you've been with these characters a pretty long time now, and then BOOM you're done with them. I don't want to be done with these characters!!!!! But that's what I always say, and then I start reading another book and think the same thing. It's so hard, every time, to switch from character to character. Or from TV show to TV show. Me and my sister Annie have this thing where we watch a TV show or a movie every night. So we usually watch old episodes of 7th heaven, taped off of ABC family, and then when it comes to the weekend, when the episodes arn't on, we have to watch something else. That's hard for me because I SO wanta watch 7th Heaven, but then we start watching Gilmore Girls or Full House so that the next night I want to watch those. Then when it comes Monday night, I wanta watch the thing we've just watched on Sunday night, not back to 7th Heaven. Luckly, last night we watched an even older episode of 7th Heaven, like from the 1st season, from a DVD Annie owns. So today I feel like watching 7th Heaven again. Boy oh Boy, transitions are hard. . .

Saturday, April 14, 2007

That was kind of stupid

So, in my last post I was saying 'Oh, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting!' and then I go ahead and not post for a long time again. Gosh Darn it.
Anyway, I'm posting now. After burning myself last night (for the full story go to, I had a good night sleep that was almost pain free. Of course, since I was just laying down in bed (you know, after I was done reading, but before I was asleep), and my mind wasn't thinking about anything in particular, my foot started hurting again but it was a duller pain and went away when I was actually asleep.
In my house I'm a known sleepwalker, and I usually sleepwalk because my mind is urging me to get up, fearing I will over sleep. So it's usually around 1:30 AM when I get out of bed hurriedly and get dressed and ready to go downstairs, and then realize it's 1:30 and I get back into bed, fully dressed. I tell you, it's weird.
One time, my brother Aidan caught me. I was all dressed and opening my blinds, following my morning routine, when Aidan came into my room, on the way to the bathroom and said, "Lucie, why are you dressed?" I peered through the blinds and saw it was dark, so I sighed and went back to bed.
Another time, my other brother Ian caught me. He had come up late that night and saw me sitting up in bed. He said, "Hi Lucie," and I said, "Hi." "Are you awake?" he asked me. "Yes," I answered. "Okay, goodnight," he then said, and went to his room. I then got out of bed, closed the door and got dressed. Of course, I was asleep and it was 12:30 AM.
Those are just two of my many sleepwalking adventures. I have to go.
Forever a sleepwalker,

Friday, April 06, 2007

Sorry about that

Sorry about not posting sooner. I didn't really have anything to post, and I've been so busy lately I haven't really been on the computer.
Well, I have a lot to post about now, but I'll do one thing at a time. Today is Good Friday, the day the Lord died for us. It is a very solemn and sad day, so we have a rule where we fast for three hours, the hours when the sun refused to shine. That would be between twelve and three. We are not aloud to use electronics, eat, and we should only drink water. So I thought I would get an update in before twelve.
Anyway, I have two new people in my dance class. They're named Sarah (or Sara, she didn't say how you spell it) and Ashley. Ashley's been in a bunch of musicals, so she sorta knows how to dance. Sarah said she's never danced before, though. It's always good to have a beginner in the class because then you get to go over steps you already know again and you can learn them better.
Well, on the way out of dance class, we saw this robin fly into a puddle. I was watching it, so I pointed it out to my Dad, while Hannah's and my mom talked. The robin started drinking the dirty brown water, and then started bathing in it. A couple of sparrows then flew over to try to bathe, too. But the robin didn't want them in his puddle, so he snapped his beak at them until two of them flew away. But one sparrow was still there, hopping around and being pecked at. Then that sparrow left too, and the robin continued to bathe. The sparrow two seconds later came back, and annoyed the robin again to try to get in the bath also. But they both ended up leaving, and the funny thing was, that there was another puddle three or four feet away, that the sparrows could have taken. I guess it's just that something somebody else has always looks more appealing then something that you could have.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nothing to post

I'll try to make this post as entertaining as I can without boring you, though I have Nothing to post.
Yesterday I was looking at people's blogs, and I said, Hey nobody's updating. Then I went t my blog, and I said, Hey, I'm not even updating.
Did you ever notice that sometimes you want people to do things that you're not doing yourself?
Well, I guess that was one of those moments.
I gotta go wash clothes, but hey, here's an update!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Stupid me

In dance class, an assistant teacher came in for one week. I hated her. She taught everything I didn't know and she did it too fast.
Well, last week she came back.
This time it was okay, though. She is really a nice person, and she taught me a lot of new cool steps I can actually use, and she did a lot of old steps which I already knew, and that helped, too.
It just goes to show you you shouldn't judge a person how good you are or how you want them to be. Just another little lesson of life.
I couldn't find a picture to post on this so I'm just leaving it as it is.
LUCIA (Loo-Chee-ah)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sorry about that

I haven't updated this blog in a little while, and that's the reason to the post title 'sorry about that'. I suppose I could say it was because I had a low fever and a cold all weekend and still today, but that's no excuse. I was feeling perfectly fine yesterday (Monday) and could have updated then.
Well, anyways, me and Annie just finished the movie 'Flicka'. I thought it was a good movie. It was put together really well, you felt like you knew the characters a long time at the start of the movie, and you just basically really care about what's gonna happen to them.
Tonight's Dance class night. Mrs. Reback, my teacher, has started calling our class 'The girls and Michael'. Seeing as there's only one boy in our class, she can't call us 'girls and boys' and 'girls and boy' gets confusing because you eventually start saying 'girl and boys' and things of that nature.
The song we're currently dancing to his called 'King of New York' from the musical 'Newsies'. I really like it. My friend Hannah suggested it because she LOVES that musical. She knows all the lyrics to it and we might get her to sing it during the dance somewhere. There's this one spin in the dance though that I just can't do. I'll get it, though. Seeing as the song is called 'King of New York', we wanted to have someone in our class be the king, so we chose Michael. Hannah wanted the part, though, so we chose her. But then Mrs. Reback decided she liked the look of two Kings. Hannah's always telling Michael she's the King of New York though, because she's taller and older then him.
Speaking of older, Tomorrow is Hannah's 15th birthday! I can't believe how fast she's growing up! (sniffle) ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dirty socks

Scary things happen to all of us. I had a pretty scary experience on my part today.
I'm afraid of wild animals. The truth comes out. I hate them. I hate rodents, and raccoons, and foxes and deer and coyote. So today, when I was playing outside with my brother Aidan, I happened to glance at the field. And there, sitting between the only two trees out there was an object. I looked harder and discovered it was probably a fox. I pointed at it, and me and Aidan suddenly froze. Then I told him to grab his shoes (we had taken them off to go on the trampoline) and run. I didn't want to take a long time, lest the animal approach us. We ran through the muddy ground, in our socks, and ran inside and slammed the door.
We told Ian and Tim (older brothers) about it and they went out to look. Alfie (other older brother) went out also. Ian had predicted it was just a log he had seen out there earlier.
When they came in, they were carrying something with them. It was the log, just as Ian had thought. But it looked amazingly like a fox. It looked like there was a snout and ears and in the posture of sitting down.
It was particularly funny for me, because I had just read a book that morning where a man was walking at night, and thought he had seen a bear, but it had just been a tree stump. And he had seen it when he walked by it in daylight before, too.
Well, thats all. I posted two short posts on my other blogs, so I thought I'd make one long one. Bye y'all.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hi y'all!

What are Grits?
Have you ever heard o' them?
I know I hadn't, until I started watching Food Network. Grits are the official prepared food of Georgia, you know.
But that doesn't answer our question. What are they?
Well grits is a type of Maize porridge popular in the southern part of the United States. It's made of coarsely ground corn. You can buy it in the store. Here's how to make them:
2 cups water
1 1/4 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup quick cooking grits, not instant (suggested: Quaker)
1/2 cup butter

In a small pot, bring water, milk, and salt to a boil. Slowly stir grits into boiling mixture. Stir continuously and thoroughly until grits are well mixed. Let the pot return to a boil, cover pot with a lid, lower the temperature, and cook for approximately 30 minutes stirring occasionally. Add more water if necessary.
Grits are done when they have the consistency of smooth cream of wheat. Stir in half the butter and serve with remaining butter divided equally on top of each portion, or serve with fruit or with a savory meal.

Thank You, Paula Deen!
That's a picture of them, next to the Waffle. See y'all,

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Hey there everyone! I'm wearing green today, but I was wondering. . . Why?
Here's the explanation I found online. And a picture of a yummy looking shamrock cheese cake. Yum-o!
Everyone knows to wear Green

on March 17th ...
But why? ...
And who was St. Patrick??

Saint Patrick was the missionary credited with converting the Irish to Christianity in the late 300s A.D.
Historical sources report that Saint Patrick was not even Irish! He was born around 373 A.D. in either Scotland or in Roman Britain (the Romans left Britain in 410 A.D.). His real name is believed to have been Maewyn Succat, but he changed it to Patrick after he became a priest. At the age of 16, while living in Ireland, he was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery.
During his 6-year captivity, he worked as a shepherd. He found strength in his faith. He finally escaped and made it to France, where he became a priest (and later a bishop).
When he was about 60 years old, St. Patrick traveled back to Ireland to spread the Christian word. He used the green shamrock, which resembles a three-leafed clover, as a metaphor to explain the concept of the Trinity - father, son, and holy spirit. The Irish people embraced him. The old saint died in his beloved Ireland, March 17th, about 460 A.D. The land which once enslaved him, he had set free.
Today, Saint Patrick's Day is a basically a time to wear green and party. The first American celebration of Saint Patrick's Day was in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1737. As the saying goes, on this day "everybody is Irish!" Over 100 U.S. cities now hold Saint Patrick's Day parades, the largest held in New York City.
I hope today you have the luck of the Irish!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tasty, delicious, but oh so much fat. . .

I love popcorn. I have it whenever I can. It's so so so yummy! I looked at the package to see how many calories it had in it one time when I was counting calories.
Big mistake.
This was the extra butter kind, and it had 30 grams of fat in it. Boy, I never wanted to eat extra butter again. Though more delicious then the light butter variety, light butter only has 15 grams of fat in it. Ooo, still not to good. But hey, ya take what you get popcorn wise. And believe me, it's worth the calories and fat. Scrumptious stuff, thats what it is.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Is it really Lovely to look at? I think so!

I was watching a movie called Roberta (1935) with Fred and Ginger in it. Well everywhere I go online says that one of the songs they danced to in that movie was to the song, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, so I watched the movie to see it. I hadn't seen that movie in a while and I was dieing to see that dance. I couldn't remember it. . .
Well, there was a reason I couldn't remember the dance. As I was watching the movie, I remembered that there was a dance in the end, but I didn't recall it being to the song Smoke in your eyes. That song was in the movie, though. Irene Dunn, the love interest of a different actor in the movie (not Fred) sang it about half way through.
As we got near the end of the movie, Irene Dunn came out again and started singing another song called Lovely To Look At. The song continued to be played by the orchestra (band- whatever you might want to call it) and Fred and Ginger came out and started to dance. So, they didn't dance to Smoke, but ended up dancing to Lovely To Look At, though at the very end after Fred and Ginger finished dancing, and the 'The End' came on, it started playing the very end of Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Weird!
Here's a picture of Fred and Ginger dancing to Lovely To Look At!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007


Blah. I'm annoyed right now because I could be reading a great cookbook but the library has not told me whether it's in yet or not. Someone has it out, and I've been waiting over two weeks for it to get in. It's killing me already!!!!
:P :0 >:( :( :'(
I'm just polishing off a book I just started reading a day ago. It's called Sisterhood of the traveling pants. Some of you may have seen the movie before. I'm not going to read the rest of the series though, because when I did that with another teen book series I read they turned south for me. I was satisfied with this book, too, so I didn't see a point to reading more of them. I've go enough to read already, seeing as I'm reading three books at once right now, even though that's against my law of books. (Never read more then one at a time.)

I gotta go, it's late. There's a pic of Sisterhood on the right, a pic of the cookbook I wanted from the library (How to boil water: life beyond takeout) on the left. See y'all,

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dance recital

So, the dance recital. It went well. As I might have said before, we did it at a nursing home. It got really crowded and hot, probably because of all the people. We were third and eleventh on the list of dances. The first one went well. Ayelet and I were really nervous because Hannah was late. And seeing as our dance was third on the list, we had every reason to be. She managed to get there before it started, though. Our whole class was relieved.
There were a ton of classes there, including little little kids. Like two year two-year-old kids.
Our first dance was to the song I got rhythm a song by George and Ira Gershwin. Our whole class did that one. Then our second one, we danced to the song called We like to boogie and I don't know who wrote that one. That was the one only Hannah, Ayelet and I danced to, as I told you before. That was nerve-racking, because the sound of only the three of us wasn't very loud. My Mom said I looked like I was concentrating, but you could still see I was enjoying myself, which is one of the three main rules of tap dancing. The three rules are: Stay on your toes, bend your knees, and smile and look like you're enjoying yourself.
I had a nice time. My toes felt really squished after words, though, because I had stood up, in my tap shoes, the whole time, which was an hour because there were fourteen dances. I never sat down once because the way it was situated was so you couldn't sit down and see the dancers.
I would add more details, but this post is already long enough without having to go into fifty more paragraphs! ;)
Here's a pic I found online. I always do that. It's easier then taking a picture and downloading it and everything.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


I'm feeling excited and nervous. Why, you ask? Because tomorrow I have to dance in a recital. I'm not really worried about messing up, but I'm kinda worried that one of my dances won't be okay. You see, only three people will be dancing it. Me, my friend Hannah, and my friend Ayelet. We learned this dance last semester, and everyone is new in our class this semester accept us three, so we're the only ones that know it. I'm not really that worried about it, it's just that there are a few kinks. Anyway, we're dancing at a nursing home. I hope the people who watch us will enjoy it!


Friday, March 02, 2007

I hate it when that happens

Guess what? I was informed today I've been using the wrong word in a sentence my whole life. I've always been told that Until is spelled with one l. That's right. But then I was told that the shortened until was spelled till. It turns out that to till means to 'till the land to prepare the soil for crops'. And now in all the stories I've written and all the diary entrées and all those other things I've used the word 'til (which is the proper spelling) wrong. Oh, well. I gotta go. Happy read across America day (read the last post if you don't get it),

Listen up, all you reading people out there . . .

Today is a very special day for this blog! It's not only my 30th post, but it's also READ ACROSS AMERICA day!!!!! I'm bringing a book downstairs with me this morning so I can read a lot! It's so exciting!!!!!
Happy Reading,

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Don't forget to check this thang. . .

Tomorrow, look for a very special post for my 30th blog post. Ooo, I can't wait!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

And then there was Giada. . .

Well, if you read my other blog, Lily's dreamland, you'll know that Rachael Ray is my favorite celebrity chef. But right after Rachael is Giada De Laurentiis. She's an Italian chef who's always making super delicious food. I really like watching her show, also. I might even consider buying a cookbook from her.
Gotta sleep, cause it's late,

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A quick word. . .

Hi there people. Just had to say hi so you knew I still post. Here's a picture my brother Ian sent me. It's of a fake beach they made in Japan. It's HUGE. When he told me about it, I didn't believe him. Then he sent me the pic, and there you go. A picture's worth a thousand words, as they say.
PS see those tiny dots next to the building? Those are cars! Look at the proportion of cars to the size of the building! Radical.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a coinkidink!

Well, it turns out that after I posted that picture of Fred and Ginger, Dad came home from work and he had stopped at the library to pick up the movie it was from. Well, we watched it tonight, and I've decided it's one of the ones I'm not to fond of. Fred's a psychiatrist named Tony, and Ginger is his patient named Amanda. A friend of his comes with the problem that he can't get
Amanda to marry him. Tony counsels Amanda to try to change her mind about the guy. Amanda thinks little of him at first, but then falls in love with him over the course of time. It's a pretty stupid plot, and Fred's character is quite annoying, but the songs are good. I hope you all have sweet dreams,
posted at 11:06-

Hi there people

I have nothing to update about. This is my 25th post on this blog, but that's really nothing to report about. I took care of Kieran just about all the time today, except when he was asleep, of course. I need to take a shower soon and very soon.
Here's a picture of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I know I've posted pictures of them before, but I wanted to post this picture of them because I liked it. It's a picture of them dancing 'I used to be color-blind' from one of their last movies together called 'Carefree', done in 1939.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chocolate covered Strawburry's

This is the picture of the strawberry's I made today. I took it on Annie's camera, and I'm really glad she sent them to me. Thanks, Annie! I also made chocolate covered Banana's and blueberries, and they're in the picture too. We're not eating them until tonight, for dessert. I ate one, though, and it was delicious! Lucie Oh, and by the way. . .
Happy Valentine's day!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hey people, Dance class report

If you have read my other blog, then you'd know that I was gonna update on this one after dance class, so here you go.
Well, it was fun, as usual. We're starting a new routine called 'King of New York' which you may have heard of, because it's from the musical Newsies (I think that's how you spell it).
We started it at my friend Hannah's request, and now she's one of the leading people in it. Her and my friend Micheal, who's the only boy in the class, with six girls. (We tease him mercilessly.)
Well, besides that, we were practicing our other routine, 'I got rhythm' by Gershwin, because we're doing a recital on the 4th of March. We pretty much got it down cold, but I can tell everyone's a little nervous. There was a thing in it though, where one person was suppose to yell, 'Turn', so everyone would turn in unison, and I was originally assigned the job, but first I did it to soft, then to loud, so I gave it to my friend Ayelet. I'm not very nervous about dancing the routine for the nursing home, but I'm sort of nervous we won't do it in unison. We have a little trouble doing that.
I gotta run, since Annie's about reading to start watching 7th heaven, and I'm totally not ready,


Monday, February 12, 2007


Here's a pic of the books I'm currently reading. And I did not get this picture of the internet! I took it myself. . . with Annie's camera, of course.
The orange-ish one is 'A little house traveler' which is diary writings and letters from Laura Ingalls Wilder. The other one (white) is 'Little house in the Ozarks' which is newspaper clippings and interviews by and from Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'm really enjoying both of them. I'm hoping to read them before they're dew from the library. They are quite long books.
Write to you later,

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nothing much happening today

Hi people! Nothing much is going on today. We went to Church, and now I need to eat lunch. I'm probably gonna have a ham sandwich. Yummy!
Here's a picture of a ham sandwich I found on google images. Mine will probably not look like that, but oh well, it'll still taste good!
Hope you have a very nice day, 'cause I plan to!
PS check out my friend Alex's Blog, at:

Mmm, yummy Ham!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Chocolate truffles

Yes, I know, you're saying Another Chocolate Post?! Well, it is covered in chocolate week on Food network, so why not on my blog, too?
Right now I'm watching 'Ham on the street' which is a show on Food Network with this crazy guy named George Duran, who loves to mix food that shouldn't be mixed. Like for instance, goat cheese balls covered in chocolate. Or chocolate truffles.
Hope I grossed you out, ;)
PS This isn't an actual picture of the goat cheese truffles, but I thought they looked good!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Hey there peoples

Food network this week is having 'covered in chocolate week'! I'm so excited to watch some of the stuff they'll be making. Here's the thing I want to make for Valentine's day:

6 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
3 ounces white chocolate, chopped
1 pound strawberries with stems (about 20), washed and dried very well

Put the semisweet and white chocolates into 2 separate heatproof medium bowls. Fill 2 medium saucepans with a couple inches of water and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Turn off the heat; set the bowls of chocolate over the water to melt. Stir until smooth. (Alternatively, melt the chocolates in a microwave at half power, for 1 minute, stir and then heat for another minute or until melted.)

Once the chocolates are melted and smooth, remove from the heat. Line a sheet pan with parchment or waxed paper. Holding the strawberry by the stem, dip the fruit into the dark chocolate, lift and twist slightly, letting any excess chocolate fall back into the bowl. Set strawberries on the parchment paper. Repeat with the rest of the strawberries. Dip a fork in the white chocolate and drizzle the white chocolate over the dipped strawberries.

Set the strawberries aside until the chocolate sets, about 30 minutes.
(From How to boil water )

PS there's a picture of what they look like in the end!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I.Q quiz

Here's a quiz I made up to see what you are: The eater, the cook, or the hungry. ;)

Which do you like more:
A. Eating
B. Cooking
c. Watching people cook

After dinner, do you:
A. Eat dessert
B. Help clean up
C. Use the computer or watch TV

When you're hungry, do you:
A. Eat some Crackers or a light snack
B. Make yourself a meal
C. Ask someone to get you something to eat

Someone asks you what you want for dinner. Do you say:
A. Eating it is all that counts
B. A recipe you found and want to make
C. Fast food

At what speed do you eat:
A. Fast; I'm hungry!
B. Slow; savor the good taste
C. Sorta in the middle; there's no rush but I don't want to be the last one from the table

If you scored mostly A's, You're definitely an eater.
If you scored mostly B's, then you're a cook. You like the fun and art in it and enjoy doing it, and you're helpful around the house.
If you scored mostly C's, you don't especially care for food or cooking, except that food's good.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mmm, yummy!

Doesn't this Chocolate cake look DELICIOUS? No, I didn't make it, but I found it on google images. Mmm, I love Chocolate. . .
So, even though my new blog name is Decadent Dancing, doesn't mean I won't be talking about books anymore. It just means I'll be talking about books, food, and dancing, my three favorite things!
