Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hey people, Dance class report

If you have read my other blog, then you'd know that I was gonna update on this one after dance class, so here you go.
Well, it was fun, as usual. We're starting a new routine called 'King of New York' which you may have heard of, because it's from the musical Newsies (I think that's how you spell it).
We started it at my friend Hannah's request, and now she's one of the leading people in it. Her and my friend Micheal, who's the only boy in the class, with six girls. (We tease him mercilessly.)
Well, besides that, we were practicing our other routine, 'I got rhythm' by Gershwin, because we're doing a recital on the 4th of March. We pretty much got it down cold, but I can tell everyone's a little nervous. There was a thing in it though, where one person was suppose to yell, 'Turn', so everyone would turn in unison, and I was originally assigned the job, but first I did it to soft, then to loud, so I gave it to my friend Ayelet. I'm not very nervous about dancing the routine for the nursing home, but I'm sort of nervous we won't do it in unison. We have a little trouble doing that.
I gotta run, since Annie's about reading to start watching 7th heaven, and I'm totally not ready,



Ian Dewey said...

I'm sure you guys will do fine, but even if you don't, it's not like it's the end of the world. Just be confident and I'm sure things will be fine.

Annie said...

I wonder who is going to the recital?
