Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dance recital

So, the dance recital. It went well. As I might have said before, we did it at a nursing home. It got really crowded and hot, probably because of all the people. We were third and eleventh on the list of dances. The first one went well. Ayelet and I were really nervous because Hannah was late. And seeing as our dance was third on the list, we had every reason to be. She managed to get there before it started, though. Our whole class was relieved.
There were a ton of classes there, including little little kids. Like two year two-year-old kids.
Our first dance was to the song I got rhythm a song by George and Ira Gershwin. Our whole class did that one. Then our second one, we danced to the song called We like to boogie and I don't know who wrote that one. That was the one only Hannah, Ayelet and I danced to, as I told you before. That was nerve-racking, because the sound of only the three of us wasn't very loud. My Mom said I looked like I was concentrating, but you could still see I was enjoying myself, which is one of the three main rules of tap dancing. The three rules are: Stay on your toes, bend your knees, and smile and look like you're enjoying yourself.
I had a nice time. My toes felt really squished after words, though, because I had stood up, in my tap shoes, the whole time, which was an hour because there were fourteen dances. I never sat down once because the way it was situated was so you couldn't sit down and see the dancers.
I would add more details, but this post is already long enough without having to go into fifty more paragraphs! ;)
Here's a pic I found online. I always do that. It's easier then taking a picture and downloading it and everything.

1 comment:

Ian Dewey said...

I'm glad to hear everything went well. I know how you must have felt waiting for Hannah to get there, there are a lot of moments like that at CrossRoads. =)