Friday, April 06, 2007

Sorry about that

Sorry about not posting sooner. I didn't really have anything to post, and I've been so busy lately I haven't really been on the computer.
Well, I have a lot to post about now, but I'll do one thing at a time. Today is Good Friday, the day the Lord died for us. It is a very solemn and sad day, so we have a rule where we fast for three hours, the hours when the sun refused to shine. That would be between twelve and three. We are not aloud to use electronics, eat, and we should only drink water. So I thought I would get an update in before twelve.
Anyway, I have two new people in my dance class. They're named Sarah (or Sara, she didn't say how you spell it) and Ashley. Ashley's been in a bunch of musicals, so she sorta knows how to dance. Sarah said she's never danced before, though. It's always good to have a beginner in the class because then you get to go over steps you already know again and you can learn them better.
Well, on the way out of dance class, we saw this robin fly into a puddle. I was watching it, so I pointed it out to my Dad, while Hannah's and my mom talked. The robin started drinking the dirty brown water, and then started bathing in it. A couple of sparrows then flew over to try to bathe, too. But the robin didn't want them in his puddle, so he snapped his beak at them until two of them flew away. But one sparrow was still there, hopping around and being pecked at. Then that sparrow left too, and the robin continued to bathe. The sparrow two seconds later came back, and annoyed the robin again to try to get in the bath also. But they both ended up leaving, and the funny thing was, that there was another puddle three or four feet away, that the sparrows could have taken. I guess it's just that something somebody else has always looks more appealing then something that you could have.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Remember that one time when I cleaned your closed during Good Friday? I think we can use electronics because i have listened to the radio before.

Annie :)