Monday, September 04, 2006

Dance Dance Dance for joy!

Dear Readers:
Peoples, I'm going to go back to dance class. I'm really happy!I'm so happy, I could Dance! Wait, I will be dancing tommorow...

I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!

You Should Be a Poet

You have a way with words... and a talent for drawing the pure emotions out of experiences.
Your poetry has the potential to make people laugh and cry at the same time. You just need to write it!

I think it suits me. Don't you?

The seasons By Lucie J.

Spring means flowers popping out,
children shouting that the snow is gone,
Spring means butterflys all about,
and the first smell of mowed lawn.
Summer means swimming pools,
and happy children having fun,
of ice cream, bikes, and no school,
fourth of July firworks and lots of sun.
Autumn means colors,
orange, yellow, red,
and of fall leaves to jump in,
until you go to bed.
Winter means lots of snow and sleet,
fun to play in, and great for sleds,
it means snowmen and footprints of little feet.
Autumns my favorite time though you might think,
that Winters nice,
cuz of the snow and ice,
and Summers pretty,
because of heat and humidity,
that Spring is quite lovely,
because of all the beauty.
But I love Fall,
best of all.
Thats one of my poems. Like it?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

No more...

^^ Tap shoe (not mine, just off the internet)
Dear peoples who suffer through reading this blog,
It looks like theres gonna be no more dancing for me. My brother is planning on doing a Bocces program this fall, so where would we find the money for tap dancing? Its to bad, but I knew I couldn't dance forever. No finnal desisions have been made yet, but it was mentioned as "no more eating out and no more dance lessons."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I need opinions!!!!

I can't decide whether to delete this blog or not! Please give me you're Opinions!!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yummy! M&M's! I'm hungry now that I've seen this pic...

I'm so board

I'm so board I don't even feel like writing this blog.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

last night...

Last night I had a dream where there was this famous singer and she was always hearing about how good a singer I was. So she was like, "I really want to meet this Lucie." so one of my friends gave her my autogragh off of all the letters I sent her. Then I met this singer and I got to sing for her, and it was great. But when I tried to give her my e-mail address and my home address, they kept dissapearing on the paper! then that was the end.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Well, we'll see

Dear peoples:
I went to my friend Hannah's today, and you can read more about that at but the point is, that she wants me to read the book series called Aragon. As soon as I'm done reading Fred Astaire's Aoutbiograghy, maybe I'll try it. We'll see.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

Dear Readers of the world:
I'm currently reading an autobiograghy of the famous '30s and on American dancer, Fred Astaire! If you go to or and enter his name, you can find out a lot of interesting facts, and maybe see a few of his movies with Ginger Rogers.
Now, I know this blog is about books, but I'm gonna tell you how I started watching Fred's movies. It all started with my friend Hannah.
She said that she was interested in taking a dance class for tap and jazz dancing. She was doing it in a different town then she and I live in because she didn't wish to see all of her friends because they had been taking dance class for years and she didn't want to make a fool out of herself.
So, she asked me to join her. After much hesitaion, I did.
I didn't really like the idea of tap dancing, because I didn't think that making noice on the ground would do me any good. I soon learned it was much, much more then noice.
I was really going for the Jazz class. I thought that sounded fun.
Soon after I started dancing, I loved it. My Dad got out for me, singing in the rain, with Jean Kelly and Donald O'Conner. I loved it.
Then he got out, Top Hat, with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in it. The story was weak, the dancing was great, and some of the people were annoying. I had seen Fred and Ginger in a biograghy of Irving Berlin, a song writer from the same period in time, who wrote the first song I danced to in dance class (Alexanders rag time band).
Well, I really liked the dancing in Top Hat, and I simply loved Fred A., even though I kept forgeting his name at first, so we went on the watch another one of they're movies, Follow the fleet.
That was a little better. But since I liked Fred and Ginger so much, we watched all ten movies.
And a great ten movies they are, and always will be.
I love Fred and Ginger's chemistry together. Thats probably what kept me watching them for so long.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hello, people

I'm sorry for not updating. Its currently 9:47 pM and I am tired, so I will update tommorow morning.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Anne of green gables

Dear Readers,
The Anne of green gables series by L.M Montgomery, took a long time for me just to get started.
This is what happened.
I told my Mom I was looking for somthing to read again. This was after I had read Little woman and Tom Soyer. I Needed somthing to read, so my Mom said, why not read Pollyanna or Anne of green gables?
Our friend Liz had recently given us a copy of Anne of green gable, Anne of Avonley, and Anne of the Island, the three first books. Again, our copys were not that pretty, so I didn't read them. My Mom tried to start reading them to me, but we only finished the first chapter.
Finnally, I was desprate for a book to read. I went to the library amd got out a nice hardcover book. I then started to read it, and it was a lovely story, so I read the whole series. I read them all in the course of three months. It was slow moving, but then it sped up, and I read all eight books.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I.Q quiz

Dear reading people,
Heres an I.Q quiz you might want to try. Its about what books you like to read. It might help you understand if you like reading a lot or a little.
Whats your favorite kind of books?
1. Comic books
2. Chapter books
3. long novels
What do you preffer:
1. no chapters
2. 5 page chapters
3. 20 page chapters

How often do you read:
1. barely any; almost none
2. only when you really want too or need too
3. all time phiscally posible
If you scored mostly 1's, you really don't care for books.
If you scored mostly 2's, then you like books, but you arn't addicted to them
If you scored mostly 3's then you might want to take a break from books because you constantly read them!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I am

I am putting this post up so I can see if my icon will work.

The story Little Women

Dear Readers,
One day, near Christmas, my Mom decided that my sister and I should start a movie called Little Women. My Mom suggested it because her Mother's favorite book was Little Women by L.M Alcott. So, after we had watched the 1994 version of it, I said I was going to read the book. So the next day I got a copy out from the library. It was bedragled and torn. I was very picky about how clean books looked back then, so I wasn't very enthusiastic about reading this copy. Also there was a scary clown card as a book mark in it. I begged for my own copy of it for Christmas. I got two versions of it. One was the same as the pic in the last post. I was happy, but I didn't acctually read it because I was quote on quote 'busy'.
I took a year in finishing the whole book. The book is slow moving, and I wasn't a very good reader back then. Anyrate, I still said it was my 'favorite book' and I put it on the shelf to get dusty.
A year later, I got it out again. I had been reading things, and had had a lot of practice, hence I was a better reader. I read it in three easy weeks.
I was extremely proud, and I can actually say that it was 'my favorite book'.

somthing weird

(Picture of Little women by L.M Alcott)

Dear people of the world of books,
Somthing weird I figured out. My two favorite wrighters ever (L.M Alcott, and L.M Montgomery) have the same first initials as ME! L.M! Louisa May, Lucy Maud, and Lucia Madeline (Me).
L.M L.M L.M!!!!!!!
Also, all of us were probably called 'LU'. Its funny!

The books I read

Hello bloggers! I'm Lu Lu, and this is my book review blog. I read tons of books and then right the reviews right here! So check it out...
Lu Lu-