Saturday, May 06, 2006

The story Little Women

Dear Readers,
One day, near Christmas, my Mom decided that my sister and I should start a movie called Little Women. My Mom suggested it because her Mother's favorite book was Little Women by L.M Alcott. So, after we had watched the 1994 version of it, I said I was going to read the book. So the next day I got a copy out from the library. It was bedragled and torn. I was very picky about how clean books looked back then, so I wasn't very enthusiastic about reading this copy. Also there was a scary clown card as a book mark in it. I begged for my own copy of it for Christmas. I got two versions of it. One was the same as the pic in the last post. I was happy, but I didn't acctually read it because I was quote on quote 'busy'.
I took a year in finishing the whole book. The book is slow moving, and I wasn't a very good reader back then. Anyrate, I still said it was my 'favorite book' and I put it on the shelf to get dusty.
A year later, I got it out again. I had been reading things, and had had a lot of practice, hence I was a better reader. I read it in three easy weeks.
I was extremely proud, and I can actually say that it was 'my favorite book'.


Annie said...

I remember watching it. We watched it on the computer. Remember when you wanted to read it to me maybe you should try again. I mean I don't really do that much except for watch old episodes of Full House and I am trying to stop doing that.

Annie !

Lucia said...

Okay Annie!

Lucia said...
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Monkeybaby14 said...

I'm glad lucie you got to read the book that you liked finally. Thats a goal, some times it hard to do the things you want to do. But when you set your mind to it, you can really do it. Just follow your heart on that.
